Sign the Petition
Seek to Rejoin the EU Pet Passport Scheme

Cut the cost of pet travel by seeking to rejoin the EU pet passport scheme. This does not require EU membership; Norway, Switzerland and Andorra are members, as is NI. The scheme allows vaccinated pets to travel freely without needing expensive documentation every time.

When owners could get pet passports in GB, our microchipped and vaccinated pets could travel free of extra certification to the EU, and return freely (with particular requirements for tapeworm treatment for dogs).

GB leaving the scheme has added admin costs of about £100+ for EVERY trip to the EU. It costs time and money to get the required paperwork every time.


“Urgent appeal for a foster/forever home together for our ‘married couple’ doggies! Click here to find out more!

So why adopt an SOS Italian Setter?

With between 10 to 20 thousand puppies officially recorded every year, Italian breeders register more Setters than the rest of the world put together. Without any doubt, Setters are the Italian hunters’ preferred choice. Unfortunately, a huge proportion of these dogs end up, abandoned as strays or in grim pounds. Others are killed in accidents, or deliberately. There are places in Italy where dogs’ lives count for very little..!

SOS Italian Setters rescue these dogs from the highways and byways of Southern Italy, from public pounds with thousands of dogs incarcerated in small enclosures, and directly from hunters who don’t want them anymore. We help them recover with excellent veterinary care and begin a new life in a home where they will be cherished.

Setters make wonderful family pets as they are one of the gentlest and loving dogs of all.

Be prepared for pawprints on your heart! 

SOS Italian Setters is a non-profit making organisation. We need you, our dogs need you more importantly! Please donate – every little really does make a difference.

If you would like to register your interest in one of our dogs please download and complete our foster/adoption questionnaire and return to Chiara (