Like many young couples they met by chance and after a whirlwind romance decided that life together was the way forward. They met at the shelter and they have become inseparable and we are looking for a visionary family who would be willing to offer this […]
The 2025 SOS Italian Setters calendar is now available to order at only £16 (minimum donation) plus £2.00 p&p UK. Send name and address and details of your order to:
Bob came into rescue with so very little information other than what we have shown below. This is his Italian journey 24 May – Urgent help is needed for our Bob! Bob must leave the shelter in Calabria urgently. Whilst he is negative to leishmaniasis and […]
Jacqui Hadley (Mannie’s family) wrote. “Mannie, you will always be in our heart❤. Thank you Chiara for saving this dear sweet boy so he could know what it was to be loved. xxx“ Mannie wrote this for his forever family to remember him by. “As much […]
If wish to donate in his memory to help prevent this happening to other dogs please click on the link below. Ozzie is 13. We rescued him in June from a public pound in Southern Italy. He had spent there 7 years. He is a […]
Forgive Me Mommy! I was there where you left me for two whole days. Sleeping right on the side of the road. I was terrified of the noise from the cars, but I did not move because I knew you would worry. Last night one of […]
Please donate and help stop this happening! Please please DONATE and help us to rescue more abandoned, frightened and starving dogs: Fundraiser by Chiara Carella : Please donate to help our long-term fosters ( Very sad update regarding Febe – 20 March 2024 It is with […]
This is Baileys’ story, and continuing journey. Two years ago, in January 2022, I rescued Bailey. He was my first rescue after leaving Settusfree. He was supposed to go for adoption, but it soon became apparent that he was meant to stay with me. He was […]