Axel was surrendered to one of our rescuers. The man who gave him up said that he belonged to someone else who didn’t want him anymore because he was too afraid of everything. The usual pathetic story we have heard so many times before that the dog belonged to someone else. Fortunately, Axel is safe now in the care of SOS Italian Setters in a shelter in Naples.

Sadly his leishmaniasis is very high; however, he will soon commence treatment and his progress monitored. We will update you as we know more.

As with all our rescues when he has been passed as medically fit to travel he will be available to foster or adopt. Understandably, at this stage we are still evaluating Axel but all the signs are that he is a typical gentle loving setter who will make a beautiful family addition of companion.

Are you inspired? Are you interested in providing the warmth and safety of a real loving adoptive or foster home for Cita? If so please download our Adoption/Foster Application Questionnaire (pdf or Word) and return to

Alternatively if you wish to know more about fostering or adopting through SOS Italian Setters, whether it is Cita or any of our other wonderful rescues please contact Chiara (email above) or Andrew (