Great News……………!!! Gerry is Reserved. His bags are packed and he is awaiting transport to the UK where he is going to live with the happy bunch below! (see photo below). At long last Gerry is going to get a chance to experience a real life. His new family are all rescue Setters with two from Italy so they will talk the same language 🤣.

Before going to his new forever family he is coming to us in Somerset for a short foster stay with our raucous other 7 doggies, where again two are from Italy (see photo below of 6 with our dog sitter telling them a story in the garden). SOS Italian Setters is a collective family, a group where we share a common core concern for the rescue, rehabilitation, care and ultimately homing of this beautiful gentle breed. I deliberately did not use the word ‘rehoming’ because nearly all our rescues have never had a ‘HOME’!

Gerry who is 13 years old was trapped and long forgotten in a pound in the middle of nowhere in Calabria, Italy. A chance sighting by volunteers highlighted his plight and SOS Italian Setters with the help of these wonderful people were able to rescue the elderly Gerry and offer him a chance to have a life.
When rescued it was found his ears were in a really awful condition (see photo).

His papers revealed that he had operated on in April this year to remove a tumour “the size of a grapefruit“ from his shoulder. Since coming into rescue he has been seen by a vet and is undergoing treatment for his ears, he is low positive to Leish and negative to Brucella, and as would be expected is receiving treatment for tick disease. It is to cover these costs, and many more, that we are constantly asking for donations which without would stop our rescue work.